About Me
Developer & Content Creator.
Greetings! I’m Gaurav Kumar Singh, a dedicated Software Development Engineer with years of experience in software development. I am passionate about creating innovative solutions that meet customer needs, leveraging my expertise in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
I am most skilled in: Java, Python, Cloud Computing Platforms, & DevOps. I actively seek opportunities to contribute to Open Source projects, collaborating with like-minded individuals.
- Youtube: WorkCode & Gaurav
- LinkedIn: Gaurav Singh
Outside my work, I like to share knowledge and empower others. I run the YouTube channel "WorkCode & Gaurav" and through this platform, I provide valuable insights on topics such as Data Structures & Algorithms, Cloud & DevOps practices, GRE & TOEFL exams. Additionally, I enjoy writing technical Blogs and articles to further contribute to the learning community.
- Blogs: My Blogs
Professional Experience
Data Science (Intern)
August 2024 - September 2024
Muni Health, USA
AI Fellow
July 2024 - August 2024
Headstarter AI, New York
Software Engineer
2022 - 2024
TCS, Lucknow, India
SMB-Soln-eForms - (Small & Medium-sized Business Solutions-Electronic Forms)
(Java, SpringBoot, JavaScript, AWS, Python, Scikit-Learn, Apache Kafka, MySQL, HTML, CSS)
2023 - Present
TCS, Lucknow, India
AI. Cloud 1.0 - (Cloud Computing)
(AWS S3, AWS Lambda, Java, DynamoDB, Amazon ECS (Elastic Container Service))
Python Developer Intern
Jan 2021 - March 2021
Codespeedy, India
Master in Computer Science & Engineering
2024 - 2026
State University of New York at Buffalo, New York, United States
Bachelor in Electrical & Electronics Engineering
2017 - 2021
Galgotias College of Engineering & Technology, Greater Noida, India
Explore some of my work and projects.
- All
- Projects
AI ChatBot
- Developed and deployed an AI ChatBot.
- It offers multilingual programming assistance and secure Firebase Authentication
- Technologies used: React, Next.js, Firebase, Groq API, Vercel.
AI ChatBot
Java Web App
- Java web app with secure signup and login system.
- Technologies used: Java, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL.
Face Recognition System
- Developed and deployed a machine learning-based face recognition attendance system
using Python, OpenCV. - Technology used: Python, OpenCV, Machine Learning, Haar Cascade, NumPy, MySQL
Video Streaming Website
- Created the front-end of a fully responsive video streaming platform using HTML, CSS,
and JavaScript. - Hosted the website on GitHub for easy accessibility.
Java CRUD App
- Developed a Java CRUD application using Java, HTML, CSS, and MySQL.
- The application allows users to Create, Read, Update, & Delete (CRUD)
operations on the database.
Welcome to the Blogs section of my portfolio! Here, I share my insights, thoughts, and knowledge on various topics related to technology, programming, and personal growth.
Cloud Computing: Revolutionizing the Digital Landscape
In today's fast-paced digital era, the term "cloud computing" has become ubiquitous, transforming technology.
Kubernetes Config Externalization: A Comprehensive Tutorial
Welcome to a comprehensive guide on how to externalize your microservice's configuration using Kubernetes ConfigMaps & Secrets.
New York, USA